Sunday, January 26, 2020
Solar Radiation Climate
Solar Radiation Climate Incoming solar radiation is a key component of the Earths Climatology. From maintaining the Earths climate, living forms are able to survive as Hulstrom (1989, p.1) points out solar radiation is a key principle for sustaining life and as a renewable source of energy it can prevent exploitation of the non-renewable sources e.g. oil. Depending on the landscape, solar radiation can create varies microclimates as explained by Chen, Saunders, Crow, Naiman, Brosofske, Mroz, Brookshire, and Franklin (1999, p.288) where a canopy of vegetation will absorb the short-wave radiation, increasing the sensitivity of the ground surface temperatures below. Chen, Hall and Liou (2006, p.1) state it is the spatial and temporal elements of incoming surface solar radiation that can determine many landscape scale processes. An area of interest where incoming radiation can create or trigger several processes and climates is mountainous terrain. Even though the total surface area of mountain systems around the world is a very small percentage of the total Earth surface, they can still create an input to the climate system experienced globally. The intensity of solar radiation reached at the surface plays a vital role in mountain climates. It is variations in elevation, slope, aspect, and shadowing that can affect the amount of radiation received at the surface (Dubayah, 1994, p.627, White, Mottershead Harrison, 1994, p. 207, and Chen et al., 2006, p. 1). This study will focus on incoming radiation and analyse the extent to which each of the factors above affect incoming radiation received upon uneven terrain. The focus will be on incoming radiation because, as Duguay points out (1993, p.339) any progress in the determination of surface radiation in mountainous terrain has to begin with incoming shortwave radiation. Another aspect that this study will approach is the extent to which vegetation canopy cover can intercept radiation before reaching the Earths surface. A study created by Mariscal, Orgaz, and Villaobos (2000, p.183) states the importance of measuring radiation received at the surface for purposes of photosynthesis and proposed 70% (p.184) of solar radiation can be intercepted by canopy cover. This study will be analysing the amount of radiation received beneath a forest canopy to aid the understanding between incoming radiation and vegetation cover. This study is designed to examine the intensity of incoming solar radiation received within Cwm Llysiog valley (51ÃÅ¡49N 3ÃÅ¡25W), located in the Brecon Beacons in South- East Wales. A Coniferous tree forest, located at the Southern end of the valley provides a canopy of vegetation to record radiation measurements beneath. The northern part of the valley is mostly grasslands and shrubs, providing a transect to measure radiation without vegetation inception. Across Britain in the 1970s Harding (1979,p.161) discovered there was very few actual observations of radiation reached on the surface across the uplands due to there be a lack of ââ¬Å"robust automatic instruments, capable of withstanding the extremes of an upland environmentâ⬠. A problem that was crossed in this study was the availability of automatic instruments for recording solar radiation, disallowing me to achieve the quantity of radiation data required. Literature Review Radiation Radiation is the main input to the black-box closed- system, planet Earth, received from the Sun, in the form of electromagnetic radiation waves ranging from 0.25-3.5 micrometres (Oke, 1987, p.8-9). These waves travel towards the Earth away from the source, at a speed of 299,800kilometers/second (Strobel, 2001). There is a large distance between the Sun and the Earth, resulting in only 0.002% of the total radiation secreted from the Sun is an input to the Earths system. The ozone is an important component for protecting the Earths atmosphere from captivating harmful amounts of solar radiation, by absorbing the majority of the radiation around wavelengths of 300mm. Each different wavelength is absorbed at different points of the Earths atmosphere. Shorter wavelength UV radiation and solar energetic particles are deposited mainly above the troposphere, where gases such as O2 (Oxygen) act as an absorber of the UV radiation (Lean Rind, 1998, p. 3072). Visible light is what can be seen b y the eye and is centred on wavelengths of about 0.5à µm (McIlveen, 1998, p.244). Acra et al. (1990), researched into how atmospheric interventions can cause this change in wavelength and how different colours can relate to the wavelength Blue skies are present when the degree of scattering is sufficiently high within the blue region of the spectrum (McVeigh, 1977, cited by Acra et al., 1990). The intensity of radiation reaching the Earth surface as a single value is 1353W/m5 and continues to be relatively constant (Rich, Hetrick Saving, 1995, p.3). Nunez (1980, p. 173) expresses the need for reliable knowledge of solar and terrestrial radiation at the Earths surface and looks into approaches that concentrate on the radiation fluxes over a unit of horizontal area, and some index of atmospheric turbidity to derive a climatic radiation model. It is analysed that in most of these cases the radiation fluxes at ground level are assumed to be non-related to the properties of the receiving surface. It would only be the reflected and outgoing terrestrial radiation that the surface would initiate changes (Nunez, 1980, p.173.). The surface properties aspect and gradient will be measured to analyse whether Nunez (1980) has the right idea. The receiving of energy emitted by the Sun, at the Earth surface is controlled by three sets of factors. Spatial and temporal variation in insolation at specific sites is predictable from basic geometric principles, and can cause variation in climatic conditions across local topography. Insolation is commonly expressed as the average irradiance and is a function of latitude, day of year, time of day, slope and aspect of the receiving surface, and horizon obstruction (Rich, Hetrick Saving, 1995, p.1). At different times throughout the day the Suns height appears to change, and is at its highest in around noon. At this point the sun rays have the least distance to travel through the atmosphere and UVB are at their highest. In the early morning and late afternoon the Suns rays pass through the atmosphere at an angle resulting in a reduction in intensity. The second is the scattering and absorption of incoming radiation within the atmosphere, through gases, aerosols and cloud particles. This results in three forms of incoming radiation received on inclined surfaces, including: direct (beam) radiation, which is the part of solar radiation that is not absorbed or scattered by the atmosphere and has a direct path from the sun to the surface (Allen, Trezza Tasumi, 2006, p.55). This study will be focusing on the factors influencing radiation once its nearer to the surface. Mathematical models have been used to estimate solar radiation. Alam, Saha, Chowdhury, Saifuzzaman and Rahman (2005) present a mathematical model to simulate the availability of solar radiation in Bangladesh using system dynamics methodology. describes the formulation of the mathematical model used for the study. It takes into account slope angles, atmospheric absorption and scattering by diffused radiation, and the amount of extraterrestrial radiation that would be received. One problem with these models is that the outcomes are only predictions of radiation intensity. Surface based measurements avoid estimations from modelling on radiation, but are more labour intensive. Holst, Rost and Mayer (2005) used both surface based measurements and empirical modelling, because it was recognised that modelling did not reach a standard of accuracy on its own. For this study field based measurements were carried out over the period of two days to measure the intensity of radiation received at the surface. Mountain Climates Observations made in mountains are very important for the understanding of solar radiation and solar constant. Data collection on mountains and their climates over many years has been seen to be quite problematic. The areas tend to be remote from major centres of human activity, have limited physical access, difficult to install and maintain weather stations, and can experience extreme climates. Recent studies have used satellite remote sensing and digital terrain data for analysing mountain climates (Duguay, 1994, Haefner, Seidel, Ehrler, 1997, Dubayah, 1994). Digital and satellite imagery has confirmed many climatic conditions that have emerged over thousands of years from the analysis of synoptic data, and has increased the understanding of cloud cover influencing radiation at the surface. Geographical controls that vary the intensity of solar radiation reaching the surface are Latitude and Altitude. Barry (1992, p.18) explains that latitude has a great influence on mountain climates with solar radiation and temperature decreasing with increasing latitudes. The Ozone becomes increasingly rich with altitude resulting in the mid and higher altitude regions reaching less radiation because the sun is lower in the sky and therefore the rays must travel a greater distance through the Ozone. This gives reason to why Holland and Steyn (1975, p.181) discovered aspect as being an important parameter in the mid- latitudes. Barry (1992, p. 77) also pronounces slope effects changes with latitude. Around latitudes of 40à ºN in the northern hemisphere, north facing slopes receive a greater duration of direct radiation throughout the day compared to south facing slopes (Barry, 1992, p.77). The Brecon Beacons is 51ÃÅ¡N so the duration of direct radiation will be shorter on the north facing slope, but the differences between intensities on each slope will be compared for the duration of the day. Cloud cover is recognised as being a limiting parameter of incoming radiation (Arking Childs, 1984, Rieland Stuhlmann, 1992) and a main contributor to diffuse radiation. This research believes cloud cover plays a vital role in scattering and preventing direct solar radiation reaching the Earths surface. Rumney (1968, p. 89) exemplifies the fact that the amount of radiation and sunshine from one year to another would be the same were it not for variable amounts of cloud cover. Cloud cover is thought to cause ââ¬Å"back scattering, and can reduce the solar power reaching the underlying surface by as much as 90%,â⬠(McIlveen, 1998, p.244). Fritz (1951, cited by Garnier Ohmura, 1968, p.798) noted that cloudless skies are appropriate in climate studies to limit the atmospheric tranmissivity influence on incoming radiation. Spatial characteristics of mountainous terrain such as orientation, angle, vegetation cover and shadowing from neighbouring slopes have been the subject of many observational and analytical studies, Duguay (1993) by modelling downward fluxes (pp.341- 347), Churchill (1982) with aspect influence on hill slope process, Holland and Steyn (1975), vegetation response to angle and aspect, and Wendler and Ishikawa (1974) with the effects on slope and exposure on solar radiation. Figure 3 illustrates the three sources of illumination that can occur on slopes. Variability in slope angle can lead to strong local gradients in solar radiation (Ralph, 1994, p.627 Kumar, Skidmore, Knowles, 1997, 467). Holland and Steyn (1975, p.181) found that the differences in incident solar radiation in mountainous areas of different slopes and aspects were maximum in the mid-latitudes and the least in equatorial and polar regions. The mid-latitudes in the northern hemisphere are closer to the Sun in July (su mmer solstice) resulting in greater amount of radiation received on slopes north facing slopes receive more radiation in early hours (0600hrs) of the day and later hours in the evening (1800hrs) compared to the south facing slopes. The southern facing slopes, of an angle greater than 55à º receives a greater intensity of radiation at midday, where the north facing slopes are not illuminated, as displayed in figure 4. Barry (1992, p. 76) acknowledges the fact that ââ¬Å"South- facing slopes at the equinoxes show a symmetrical diurnal pattern,â⬠from the time the sun rises in the east, limiting the intensity shining on south facing slopes with increasing steepness in the early hours of the day. By comparing the north west and south east facing slopes through the duration of a day, I will be able to analyse whether the patterns found within research have correlated with my own findings. It shows the steep south facing slopes reach a greater amount of radiation compared to average south facing slopes, but it is clear the greatest difference between aspects is when the sun is either highest in June, or lowest in December in the sky (Ralph, 1994, p.633). Surface temperature is a useful parameter to estimate the amount of radiation received on varying slope aspects. Safanda (1999, p.367) expresses that the north facing slopes in the middle latitudes in the northern hemisphere are a few à ºC colder at similar elevations as on South-facing slope surfaces. Reason for this is that less solar radiation falls on a unit area of the slope surface (Safanda, 1999, p.367). By recording near surface temperatures for the two valley transects, it will allow me to correlate the differences between two aspects by comparing temperatures at the same elevation. Shadowing from neighbouring slopes or valleys is thought to be a ââ¬Å"spatio-temporal functionâ⬠because it depends on both topography and solar geometry (Ranzi Rosso, 1995, p.464). Shadowing, introduced by Ranzi and Rosso (1995, p. 468) for a catchment basin that has shadowing occurring across the surface from projected horizons within the catchment area, is ââ¬ËSelf Shadowing. This should only occur in a valley with east and west facing slopes as the sun will rise in the east projecting a shadow onto the east facing slope if elevation is great enough. By knowing the different slope angles and orientations of the Cwm Llysiog valley, the effect of exposure and shadowing can be assessed. The McCall Glacier (Alaska) was studied (Wendler Ishikawa, 1974) for the effect of slope, exposure and mountain screening on solar radiation and discovered that the screening effect of mountains was much more important than the northerly exposure reducing radiation reaching the glacier. It is not only slope shadowing that could limit the intensity of radiation received at the surface in the Cwm Llysiog valley, vegetation cover will also reflect radiation. Cannell, Milne, Sheppard, and Unsworth (1987), and Bartelink (1998) explain with increasing canopy cover, radiation interception is increased resulting in a decrease of radiation at the surface (Jordan, 1969, p.663). Vegetation cover is thought to be the greatest limiting factor in the Vegetated valley and will be compared to the non- vegetated valley radiation readings to verify this prediction. 2. Aims and Objectives The aim of this study is to investigate how the variability in slope, aspect and shadowing comprise to create a changing affect on the gradients of incoming radiation in forested and non- forested valleys. This will be assessed by comparing north and south facing slopes within a South Wales valley with forested and non-forested slopes in the summer with cloudless skies. Below is each Hypothesis set before measurements were taken and research that backups the reasoning for the hypothesis. Hypothesis A: The vegetated slopes will decrease the intensity of solar radiation received at the surface compared to the non- vegetated slopes. This will reflect in the surface temperature, with an increase in solar radiation resulting in an increase in temperature. Safanda (1999, p.367) concluded that north facing slopes achieve a low temperature then south facing slopes. Bartelink (1998) is one of many that has proven vegetation cover will decrease the intensity of radiation received at the surface. Hypothesis B: The intensity of solar radiation will be greater on the south east facing slopes compared to the total solar radiation received on the north west facing slopes. The orientation of slope faces will be the most influential factor on incoming solar radiation. White et al. (1994, p.207) describes the azimuth (orientation of the surface) as being the most influential component in the intensity of solar radiation received at the surface. It is stated that a southerly facing aspect will receive a greater intensity of radiation at the surface compared to a northerly aspect, which might not receive any at all. On the other hand Whiteman, Allwine, Fritschen, Orgill, and Simpson (1988) compared radiation components from five stations situated in a single valley during September of 1984 and concluded that slope faces have distinctly different diurnal courses of radiation. Slopes facing north east, experience downward solar fluxes directly after the slope is illuminated during sunrise but the fluxes become weaker during the afternoon as a result sunset. In contrast the south west facing slopes, has weaker direct radiation in the morning but attains a strong peak in the early afternoon. This view is slightly different to Whites et al. theory on aspect. Hypothesis C: Slope angle will have a less influential impact on radiation intensity compared to slope aspect. It is thought with an increase in gradients the intensity of solar radiation will decrease and become less direct. White et al. (1994, p.208) explains that these two factors (aspect and gradient) combined have a greater effect on the amount of direct radiation on north facing slopes in the northern hemisphere. It is made clear, with increasing slope angles, there is a decrease in solar intensity directed at the north facing aspect. Dubayah (1994, p. 634) displays a time series of monthly incoming solar radiation for different slope terrains within the Rio Grande River Basin. The study shows steep south facing slopes receive around 140W/m2 more radiation than a steep north-facing slope in July. The differences displayed in these findings are thought to be due to slope gradient. Hypothesis D: Within the forested valley, the vegetation cover will cause a great deal of shadowing on the surface decreasing solar radiation received at the surface. The greatest shadowing in the non- vegetated valley will occur in the lower sites, near the valley floor where the surrounding horizons are at a higher elevation, decreasing the sky view factor. Ranzi and Rossos (1995, p.464) study in a drainage basin realised that shadowing occurs at low altitudes, as the ââ¬Å"direct radiation is less important in relation to the other radiative fluxes, i.e. diffuse irradiance from the sky and direct and diffused irradiance reflected from nearby terrainâ⬠. This means any horizon at a higher elevation then the site being studied will reduce the intensity of solar radiation received at the particular site. White et al. (1989, p.419) agrees with Ranzi and Rosso views where changes in orientation or positioning on a slope, affects the view of surrounding topography, thus affecting receipt of reflected radiation. Jordan (1969, p. 663) explains The greater the vegetation cover the greater the greater the difference in radiation above and below the canopy. Null Hypothesis: There will be no correlation between radiation received at the surface on the vegetated and non- vegetated slopes. Factor such as slope orientation, slope angle and shadowing will not influence the amount of radiation reached at the surface. Elevation The relationship between direct radiation and surface elevation is complex and depends on the atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover. With an increase in surface elevation an increase in direct solar radiation will occur, because the solar path through the atmosphere is shortened. This only tends to occur under cloudless skies. Batlles, Bosch, Tovar-Pescador, Martinez-Durban, Ortega and Miralles (2008, p.341) studied atmospheric parameters to estimate radiation in areas of complex topography and came to the conclusion that only the global radiation changes with increase of 1000m in elevation. It was thought that in the current microclimate being studied, elevation variations are less significant than other topographic variables, such as shadowing affects. Measurements recorded in the field for this study only reached 40m up the slope, meaning the effect of elevation on radiation would be very little. Due to these findings elevation will not be included in this study as a control. Objectives The main objective is to examine any correlation between slope aspect, slope angle, shadowing and vegetation cover and to analyse the influence they might have on the intensity of incoming solar radiation reaching the surface. To assess these factors affecting incoming radiation on sloping terrain, this study will test the hypotheses determined by studying the previous research. The hypotheses will be tested by recording a set of incoming solar radiation readings along a transect across a valley over the period of a day. It was difficult to locate a valley with north and south facing slopes in Wales. The Cwm Llysiog presents north west and south east aspects. The increase in elevation will be measured to display differences in radiation at the base of the valley and the valley slopes. The gradient is also important to analyse the correlation between slopes and radiation. A set of temperature results at the nine sites along the transect will determine if there is a link between solar radiation intensity and near surface temperatures. Another main objective is to provide readings for all the above, on a slope covered by a forest canopy, creating a shadowing affect. Exposure readings for all sites will be recorded to assess the extent of shadowing from near surfaces and objects.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Assimilation the Risk of Losing Culture and Identity Essay
Blacks should not assimilate with the popular dominant culture but instead maintain their own sense of cultural heritage. The black person who makes the choice to integrate into the dominating culture really must be honest with his or her self and admit that all their pronouncements of concern for the welfare of the black community take a backseat to their personal desire to assimilate. These black people are more of a role model to other black people on how to assimilate or integrate into the colorless and racially generic whole of American culture that just so happens to be controlled and dominated from the white community. Although it may sound wonderful to hear someone say that they donââ¬â¢t notice peopleââ¬â¢s skin color, reality says that people notice color all the time. The pressure placed on blacks by the dominant culture forces them to move toward assimilation hooks urges. ell hooks states that ââ¬Å"One of the most tragic manifestations of the pressure black people feel to assimilate is expressed in the internalization of racist perspectivesâ⬠(227). Young blacks need to realize that conforming to the dominant culture is not necessary to exist within it. hooks says that ââ¬Å"It is crucial that those among us who resist and rebel, who survive and succeed, speak openly and honestly about our lives and the nature of our personal strugglesâ⬠(221). In order to resist assimilation black people as a hold need to be more open and honest about the struggles that take place striving for education and success, those who have blazed the trail need to reach back and help those striving to get there. An excellent job is done by hooks in getting the point across about assimilations effects, and also gives those who have chosen to assimilate something to think about, what cost is one willing to pay, is one willing to break family ties and friendship because of the pressure from the dominant culture to assimilate. The pressures of trying to maintain family and community ties and succeeding in life are difficult, these issues gives us some groundwork to fix some of the problems. While it is difficult to achieve education and success while keeping community ties it is possible, hooks says that ââ¬Å"The most powerful resource anyone can have to study and teach in university settings is full understanding and appreciation of the richness, beauty, and primacy of our familial and community backgroundsâ⬠(228). ooks has some very valid points, everyone has to look at them and put them into perspective on how it can fit into their lives. There is not one right answer or solution to this problem, everyone has to search within to find a solution, but those whom have traveled on this road less taken have an obligation to teach those who follow. It is imperative to let the youth know that their struggles for identity and success or not in vein and show them that they are appreciated within the comm unity. Without the bounding and nourishment needed to continue the ties, youth will continue to choose to assimilate and take the easy road with less pressure and headaches to deal with. Blacks could better serve the community by assimilating to the dominant culture forces, the melting-pot theory. This view is advantageous to both a government and its people. It is believed that the nation has reached its present state of development because it has been able to forge one national identity. Separating citizens by ethnicity or race and providing special privileges to Blacks can be harmful, where assimilation tends to put everyone on an even playing field. By keeping ties to community and family Blacks draw attention to differences and the dominant culture fosters resentment towards their culture. Blacks in society that make a full effort to be incorporated into the mainstream naturally reciprocate the benefits and approval from mainstream America. Blacks become successful by shedding their cultural heritage and adopting the ways of the popular dominant culture. Typically Blacks absorbed by the ways of the host society, while loosening to varying degrees their connection to their native culture become highly successful. Through this process Blacks are accepted into society and become a part of the dominant culture and national unity is retained. Works Cited: Assimilation: Does it hurt Black people? (2007) Retrieved on 2/10/2008, from www. topix. com/forum/afam/TPIKF7CB1VN57ONEJ Bell Hooks (2000), Where We Stand: Class Matters, By Routledge
Friday, January 10, 2020
Lester B. Pearson Essay
Over the years, there have been many Great Canadians. Whether they have had numerous amazing accomplishments, or only one very grave one, they are defined as a huge role in the country. Many Great Canadians have changed Canada in a good way, or have done things for the citizens. Lester B. Pearsonââ¬â¢s efforts and accomplishments as Prime Minister helped improve Canada. He helped create Canadaââ¬â¢s reputation as peacekeepers. When he felt Canadians needed it, he brought Universal Health Care into Canada. Lester B. Pearson also decided to get American car dealerships in Canada. ââ¬Å"Canadians are the worldââ¬â¢s best-known peacekeepers.â⬠1 When a country is in need of support, Canada is there to save them. Canada has had a leading role when it comes to lending a helping hand. Not always, has Canada been the country to count on. Lester B. Pearson helped create Canadaââ¬â¢s reputation as peacekeepers. ââ¬Å"Canada has contributed soldiers, and sometimes civilians to every major United Nationââ¬â¢s peacekeeping operation.â⬠2 Canada is very dedicated when it comes to helping other countries. Everyday citizens are willing to help out with a country in need. Canadians are not known for being peacekeepers because their government has told them to go support a country, they do it because they want too. They respect and help others who need it by volunteering their time and providing support. Sometimes without even leaving the country. Programs have been created not just by the government, but everyday citizens, where people can donate food, clothing, or money to other countries who need it most. ââ¬Å"Lester B. Pearson was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in the UNââ¬â¢s dramatic sending of a peacekeeping force to the Middle East at the time of the Suez Crisis.â⬠3 Even though Canada had no connections or fears for their country because of the Suez Crisis, they knew that many people and countries would have been badly effected by it. Canada wanted to stop a war from breaking out. Lester B. Pearson had a huge role during this time, working at a fast pass to try to stop it as well as supporting the countries in need. In the end, Canadaââ¬â¢s hard work and devotion payed off. Lester B. Pearson as well as Canadianââ¬â¢s, strongly supported peacekeeping, which helped create and improve Canadaââ¬â¢s reputation. There are many things Canada has that other countries do not, which makes Canada unique. One thing Canada has is Universal Health Care. Some countries do not think they need it, or they just prefer the way things are already. Lester B. Pearson brought Health Care into Canada when he feltà Canadians needed it. ââ¬Å"Until the 1950s, Canadians got medical treatment with cold cash, private insurance, or charity.â⬠4 Some countries still have to pay for their Health Care and other medical care. Some things regarding health can be very expensive. Before Universal Health Care in Canada, some citizens would not be able to afford medical care. Introducing Health Care in Canada helped many people out who needed it, as well as saved some people from anything seriously terrible they were not able to afford it fixed. ââ¬Å"Lester B. Pearsonââ¬â¢s government negotiated federal-provincial agreements and saw the legislation pass, leading to Canada-wide Medicare in 1966.â⬠5 Lester B. Pearson worked hard to try to get Universal Health Care in Canada. He did it to help the citizens and create a better Canada as well. Being healthy is always a good thing for everyone. Some people did not approve of the idea at first, but it benefitted many citizens. When thinking about ways to help the citizens of Canada live better, healthier lives, Universal Health Care was a great way to make sure Canadians were all right and had support where they need it most. Every country wants a strong, stable economy. More new products being built expands businesses and creates new jobs, which means more money for the country and citizens. Prosperit y is the goal. To obtain that goal, countries and leaders have to think of new ways to reach it. When Canada wanted to create a better economy, Lester B. Pearson decided to get American Car dealerships into Canada, creating the Automotive Agreement (Auto Pact). ââ¬Å"The agreement helped secure the foundations for Canadian manufacturing and industry.â⬠6 Creating a strong foundation for the economy of Canada improved many things. It protected the country if anything bad were to happen and made it easier to repair the country back to normal. A countries look, or reputation also depends on its economy. When a country has prosperity, people from other countries will want to visit, earning more money from foreigners as well. ââ¬Å"The Auto Pact helped strengthen the relationship between Canada and the US.â⬠7 At the time, Canada and the US were not very close because of Cold War tensions between the two. The Auto Pact helped settled those tensions and made Canada and the US a lot closer, which strengthened their countries as well. Canada could now rely on the US, and the US could do them same with them. Lester B. Pearsonââ¬â¢s action in creating the Auto Pact helped to build prosperity in Canada, which created a stronger, more wealthy economy. Lester B. Pearsonââ¬â¢s efforts andà accomplishments as Prime Minister helped improve Canada. Pearson had helped create Canadaââ¬â¢s reputation as peacekeepers. He brought Health Care to Canada. Lester B. Pearson also got American car dealerships to come to Canada. There have been many Great Canadians over the years, but Lester B. Pearson has proven to be one of the best. Bibliography CBoC. ââ¬Å"End of an Era? International Challenges to the Auto Pact.â⬠The Conference board of Canada. (accessed January 16, 2013). Crane, David. ââ¬Å"Canada-US Automotive Product Agreement.â⬠eLibrary. (accessed January 16, 2013). Junior Canadian Encyclopedia. ââ¬Å"United Nations.â⬠eLibrary. (accessed January 12, 2013). The Historian-Dominion Institute. ââ¬Å"Health Care.â⬠101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada. (accessed January 15, 2013).
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Project Quality Management Project Management - 1322 Words
QUESTION 1 Q: Why Project Quality management is so crucial in the completion of any project? Outline the various project quality management processes used. Describe in detail the process of Quality control. a. INTRODUCTION. Within any project there are a number of factors that are right up there and often preoccupy members of the Project Team. These include making sure that the project completes on time, making sure that the project does not go over budget and ensuring that all the team members are focused on delivery of the completed project. But there is also another factor that should be right up there, in order to make sure that the project is completed satisfactorily and that is quality. b. DEFINITION OF QUALITY. It is delivering a project that will at least meet and preferably exceed the clientââ¬â¢s expectations through actions and deliverables that create a really excellent product, in this case, the project. c. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT. It includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes ââ¬Å"all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement, within the quality systemâ⬠. d. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCESS. Figure below provides an overview of the following major project quality management processes: (1) QualityShow MoreRelatedProject Quality And Quality Management Project926 Words à |à 4 PagesQuality is the amount to which a project satisfies the requirements. Project Quality is a set of different criteria and objectives that are inserted into success criteria used by project customers to accept the project results. 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It is part of every project management processes from the moment the project initiatesRead MoreQuality Issues in Project Management974 Words à |à 4 PagesQUALITY ISSUES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. Introduction There are a number of issues surrounding the general area of ââ¬Å"qualityâ⬠in project management. You will need to be aware of some of the requirements of PRINCE (or PRINCE2) as well as the more general aspects of the ISO 9000 and 14000 series. 2. Quality requirements as part of PRINCE PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments) was revised from PRINCE in 1996 and is the accepted standard for the control of projects in the computingRead MoreQuality Control Project Management1807 Words à |à 8 PagesMany failed projects today can be attributed to poor or total neglect of quality standards through lack of Quality control. Quality control, when implemented in a project, helps in yielding profit because the output is usually of great standard whereas when omitted, unavoidable losses are incurred. A project is said to be complete when the output not only conforms to pre-defined requirements but also to quality standards of the category it falls in. e.g. Standard for Quality Management Systems ISORead MoreThe Importance of Project Quality Management2249 Words à |à 9 PagesChapter 8: Project Quality Management Learning Objectives 2 ïââ" ïââ" ïââ" ïââ" ïââ" Understand the importance of project quality management for information technology products and services Define project quality management and understand how quality relates to various aspects of information technology projects Describe quality planning and its relationship to project scope management Discuss the importance of quality assurance Explain the main outputs of the quality control process The ImportanceRead MoreProject Excellence Model For Quality Management1394 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Project Excellence Model(PEM) was set up in 1997 by Roland Ottmann and was derived from the European Foundation for Quality Management(EFQM) model. The PEM model mainly contain two processes; 1) Evaluation of project management process and 2) measurement of the results achieved in a project. Based on E. Westerveldââ¬â¢s research in 2002, the Project Excellence Model link project success criteria and critical success into one coherent model. Given that PEM Model was adapted from EFQM-model whoseRead MoreProject Quality Management Systems Approach1158 Words à |à 5 PagesProject quality management Quality management ensures all the activities that involved in project, includes objectives, responsibilities, policiesâ⬠¦ shall be effectively and efficiently meet the desired performance which there were undertaken. Failure to meet the quality requirements can result in serious issue. Hence, few quality management disciplines need to be implemented so as to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders. e.g. IOS9000 and building code. 1. ISO9000: ISO9000 series are the
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