Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Drugs among youth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drugs among youth - Essay Example This research will explore the factors responsible for driving young people into the habit of drug consumption and their perceptions about drugs’ effects on their life and their association with drugs. Identification of these factors is the first and the foremost step in the process of eradication of drugs from the society and discouraging the young people from consuming drugs. Research Questions Some of the research questions would be: When did you start taking drugs? Please tell me about your family structure and your relationship with family members? Does someone in your family take these drugs? What environmental factors encourage you to take drugs? What is the most common factor that drives young people into the habit of taking drugs? Do you contemplate leaving drugs in the future? If so, how soon? Do you think drugs are dangerous for your health? Has your attitude toward drugs changed since you have started consuming them? Have you faced any resistance from somewhere for drug consumption? Parties Involved in the Research Project This research project would be executed with team effort. The team would comprise me, my advisor, one of my peers to facilitate me with the data collection, and another peer with good writing and editing skills. I would do the literature review, design research methodology, and analyze the data. The fundamental aim of the research is to identify the most important and common factors that are responsible for the rise of drug consumption among the young people. Knowledge created by this research would be very useful to the drug-control agencies, the society in general, and the parents and relatives of the vulnerable youth in particular. Research Theory The consumption of drugs among youth can be prevented on the basis of a technique structured around the cognitive dissonance theory that tends to establish attitudes and beliefs by proposing verbal inoculations. This prevention technique can be used to help youth abstain from d rug consumption that might be in conflict with a goal that is more desirable. Adolescence in the concept of development is a period in which people may be confused about their roles while their identities are emerging. The prevention efforts based on this approach assist young people with the development of positive identities through achievement in their community roles, as athletes or as students. Possible Research Methods The research methods that can be utilized for this research primarily include survey and interviews. Since the reasons for drug consumption vary from one person to another, it is better to provide the research respondents with full opportunity to express themselves with the use of interviews and use them as primary sources (Booth, Colomb and Williams 81). Besides, since this topic is integrally related to sociology, use of interviews is also recommendable for this research because qualitative research remains very effective convenient and useful while studying s ociological issues. Research Participants The respondents will be high school students on drugs of any kind. The students would be given a questionnaire to find out their gender, age, how many of them use drugs, what kinds of drugs they take, and how long have they been taking them. Questionnaires with responses showing drug users would be sorted out and the respondents would be approached for

Monday, February 3, 2020

Refute or support the claim that the male body is both the norm and Essay

Refute or support the claim that the male body is both the norm and ideal body in medical practice - Essay Example Feminism is a controversial topic nowadays. It aims to empower women and gave women equal rights with that of what men have. Their voice in our society plays an important role such that they are given chances to point out their views or perspectives in the topics of their concern. One of the most controversial topics that feminists won't dare give up is the topic that deals with the issue of equality if not the issue of who among the two sexes was advantageous over the other. Of the pertinent issues in this perspective comes the claim that the male body is both the norm and ideal body in medical practice. We define norms as the set of standards that was set before or emanated few years ago, which is then and was still considered as true unless proven wrong or something that has of flawless evidences and have scientific basis. Ideal as we all knew, referred to one thing that is commonly desired by most people in the society. It is also considered as an honest to goodness thing we all ought to have or acquire. The definitions of the two important terminologies in the statement at least made it clear to us what it tries to convey. For me, I definitely refute the claim that the male body is both the norm and ideal body in medical practice. As we all know, the moment we open our eyes when we are still a baby, the kind of system our society have is the patriarchal system. In this system man is the dominant sex or gender. When I say dominant, I mean that man dominated all the aspects and features of the world we live in. by this, it implies that the role of women is secondary with that of men. Medical practices rely mainly on the subject that they are dealing with. Their methods and materials depend on how complex their subject is. Even in medicine the conflict between genders is not exempted. The surgeons tend to identify themselves as good one and very able if they are man due to their capability to do things that they say woman cannot do. This idea or kind of thinking was identified before way back to ancient times until recently that there are growing numbers of female doctor's and nurses in the world. In history, men are the ideal creatures to be the subject of every study. This is due to the kind of system we have, but as we go along and modernized, the role of women in the society is eventually changed. This is mainly due to the fact that there are women who fight and prove the world that they can do more than what others expect them to do or what others think of as their limitations. Today woman's body had also been used in the medical field. As the world modernizes it also opened its coverage to the possibility that a woman's body is also an ideal body to be used in medical practices. The role of history extended to that of practices made in the medical world. Before only man are used in the field as the subject for human study of its anatomy and the processes it undergoes. Also, according to the theory of feminist or feminism, the relationship between biological sexual differences and the way we construct our social aspect of gender, which is a system of variable history, is an advantage to man and a lot more disadvantageous to women. Our culture dictate to us gendered meanings and maintains traditional divisions among genders. This implies that in different fields of practices man generally overpower women not only in strength but also, man and woman compete for the chance to be